First of all, I hope the college can provide free wifi in every corner at campus, since we now still can't access to the Internet in the outside of the buildings and sometimes even inside the buildings.In addition,I hope the college can use smart board and no more chalks and markers. I hope every professor can use multimedia to give their lessons. Moreover, I hope we can watch live classes instead of going to classes in person every time.Also, every professor's video lesson can be stored online. Then, students can go back to watch when they need it. Further, I hope the college can provide free e-textbooks for every student in every course, so students don't need to spend much money on the expensive paper textbooks.
I think that these ideas are great! Free wifi on all parts of campus is definitely a must. Regardless of how "cheap" the tuition is at CUNY schools, there is thousands of students in which I am sure can make up the cost to install wifi in all parts of the building. It is not fair to us students that we have to go to some classes without having access to wifi in the year 2016.